End unconstitutional judiciary insubordination
Vote for
8th Congressional District
Keep Telling Ten More Friends
To Keep Telling Ten More Friends


The government being forced to takeover Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is an example of Republican right wing SPEND THEN TAX.

The Bush Mob weakened government regulation on mortgages so their greedy supporters could shower themselves with money in the form of mortgage payments and fees.

They did this as long as they could (with a presidential election approaching) until Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were in such bad shape that the Bush Mob finally had to admit that the taxpayer was going to get drenched with the bill in a flood of future taxes.

Bankrupting companies then leaving the taxpayers with the responsibility to either pay to get that company out of trouble or risk allowing the bankruptcy to cripple or destroy the entire economy is how Republican SPEND THEN TAX works.

Republicans did the same thing in the 1980's under Reagan and Sr. Bush when they destroyed the savings and loan industry with their selfishness and greed.

Reaganomics was really Republicanomics because Reagan's greedy, selfish Republican puppeteers were the real people behind the 1980's economic and fiscal mismanagement. Reaganomics was the cover-up name for that disastrous Republican economic and fiscal mismanagement. Reagan was as incompetent as George W. Bush and like Bush lacked the intelligence to create or lead any economic plan even a worthless one like Reaganomics.

Republicanomics devastated our country in the 1980's. Under it the lower and middle classes paid their share of taxes but the rich did not. It let corporate executives give themselves big, ridiculous salaries while underpaying and even firing any and everyone else. This created the record-setting Republican federal bankruptcy of the 1980's. The Republicans then used this REPUBLICAN federal bankruptcy as an excuse to claim the government can't do anything to help the average citizen. They lied that helping the average citizen was too expensive. At the same time the Republicans gave constant corporate welfare to companies that didn't need it.

George W. Bush's Misadministration brought back Republicanomics and RE-DEVASTATED our economic and financial national security.

America's wealth comes overwhelmingly from the middle and lower classes who do the work. The upper class does little of the work but controls almost all of the distribution of the nation's wealth because they get control of the corporate offices. Then they overpay themselves and underpay everyone else. That way they rob America's treasury, keep the money for themselves, and leave the rest of us with next to nothing. These Republican robbers want the American Dream for themselves while they cruelly oppose it for the rest of us.

Of course, not all rich persons are greedy, selfish liars and many try to join the rest of us in the fight against those who are. However, the fair-minded rich can't single-handedly stop greedy, selfish Republican economic and physical terrorism either. They must and do unite with the rest of us. Those who can be rich and still care about others are welcome to our side in our fight against the Republican opposition.

America's economic engine is a very powerful tool and provides enough wealth to meet the needs of all Americans. Those needs aren't met because Republicanomics blocks that wealth from being distributed fairly.

That is why Republicanomics (Reaganomics) was voted out and ended, again, in the 2008 Election. Allowing the Republicans more power in the 2010 election has proven to be a waste.

The Bush Mob weakened government regulation on mortgages so their greedy supporters could shower themselves with money in the form of mortgage payments and fees.

They did this as long as they could (with a presidential election approaching) until Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were in such bad shape that the Bush Mob finally had to admit that the taxpayer was going to get drenched with the bill in a flood of future taxes.

Bankrupting companies then leaving the taxpayers with the responsibility to either pay to get that company out of trouble or risk allowing the bankruptcy to cripple or destroy the entire economy is how Republican SPEND THEN TAX works.

Republicans did the same thing in the 1980's under Reagan and Sr. Bush when they destroyed the savings and loan industry with their selfishness and greed.

The Bush Mob illegally spied on us, started LIE wars and ABUSED our troops' service so Bush Mobsters could STEAL another country's oil (Iraq), undid our financial national security so their cronies could foreclose on the average citizen's home, and broke laws every chance they got.

Our Constitution created Congress to protect us from corruption like the Bush Mob's. Congress has the responsibility to supervise, investigate, and correct all government employees including the presidency and judges. That correction includes firing and removing (impeaching) any government officeholder who breaks the law. That includes firing a CORRUPT “commander”-in-THIEF like Bush.

The Bush Mob knew to get away with its CORRUPTION it needed a way to block Congress from providing protection. That meant the Bush Mobsters needed members of Congress to support, join, or already be a part of their mob. Bush Mobsters inside Congress could act as a ROADBLOCK to block Congress from investigating and punishing the Bush Mob. Reichert was one of these ROADBLOCKS.

Reichert helped block Congress by NOT investigating 9/11, NOT investigating the home foreclosure crisis, NOT investigating Bush's ILLEGALLY spying on law-abiding American citizens, and NOT investigating the Bush Mob LIE that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction as a LIE to falsely excuse starting the Bush LIE war in Iraq. Of course, Reichert didn't investigate any other violations of our laws by the Bush Mob either.

Reichert didn't investigate because his role as a Bush Mob supporter was to try to help them get away with their CORRUPTION. Reichert is in Congress to do nothing and to cast votes in Congress against ever doing anything useful. By voting against doing anything useful, Reichert is a ROADBLOCK to Congress's attempts to be useful. Then Reichert keeps a low profile to avoid drawing attention to his FAILURE AS A U.S. REPRESENTATIVE, so he can quietly get re-elected.

Reichert is a Republican former sheriff. His voluntarily acting as the Bush Mob's ROADBLOCK shows his Republican side. However, he has done nothing to show an investigator or sheriff side. He is a former sheriff so he can't claim a lack of exposure to law enforcement investigations as an excuse for FAILING to make any effort to investigate violations of our laws by the Bush Mob. (Reichert's failure to enforce our laws in Congress is EVIDENCE that he really wasn't much of a sheriff either and just used the sheriff's title to get and take credit for the work and accomplishments of lower level officers.)

Also, as a former sheriff Reichert would know how important it is to lawbreakers like the Bush Mob to have negligent investigators who always look the other way to make sure criminals have the best chance of getting away.

In Congress I will end the Reichert ROADBLOCK. I will fight to make Congress our protector like the Constitution intends.

In my 2010 voters' pamphlet statement I stated:

“Remember Jim Vaughn claimed to be a Democrat before the 2008 Primary then supported Reichert the day after the primary. At gathereings before the primary he tried to get me to support Reichert. So be careful of other candidates who claim to be Democrats or even Independents.”

After I filed this and the rest of my statement and biography with the Washington Secretary of State, I received this email from Jim Vaughn:

-------BEGIN EMAIL-------

From: sterlingpartnerswa@comcast.net
To: karnold@votekeitharnold.com
Subject: Voter Pamphlet
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2010 11:31:30 -0700
Dear Keith,

Since I was mentioned in your bio for the voter pamphlet, I was sent a copy by the Sec. of State. I did not reply nor chose to do so. I threw the article in the trash. However, if I am correct I believe you had a misspelled word. Might want to go back and check. Good luck on the campaign.

Jim Vaughn
Human Capital is our Focus, Creating Synergy is our Goal

----END EMAIL----

Vaughn tried to get me to support Reichert before the 2008 Primary. If Vaughn were a real candidate he would not have given up on his campaign before the Primary was over.

A political party can easily put fake candidates for an opposing political party (moles) in a primary to dilute support for that opposing political party. After the primary, these fake candidates announce a false departure from the party they ran under to the party that planted them in the election. The only reason these fake candidates entered the race was to try to trick voters into supporting the party that planted them.

I believe Jim Vaughn was planted in the 2008 Primary by the Republicans and by Reichert, too. Vaughn's giving up on his phony Democratic campaign and trying to trick me into supporting Reichert and the Republicans BEFORE the 2008 Primary is proof Vaughn was really a Republican pretending to be a Democrat.

As further proof Vaughn was a Reichert Republican mole, Vaughn didn't respond to the Secretary of State about my statement warning the voters about Vaughn's, Reichert's, and the Republicans' trickery.

The Orlinski question is whether John Orlinski was really a Democrat or a Republican mole pretending to be a Democrat for two primaries in a row.

On Thursday, July 29, 2010 I attended a candidates' forum in Issaquah. It was scheduled to start at 6:30pm. I had to go home to Auburn from work in Seattle and get ready before I went to the forum.

I arrived there at about 7:15pm. Parking was on the street and I drove up to park behind a row of cars. As I drove up a man got out of the last vehicle in the row which I was about to park behind. He took off his shirt and was naked outdoors above his waist (except for maybe a wristwatch). He then put on a casual shirt. As I got out my car he came to me and asked how my campaign was going. He said he was John Orlinski. I had only met Orlinski once before and that was at the Seattle Times candidate endorsement interview on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 the week before.

Orlinski said he'd finished with the Issaquah forum and was leaving. I went into the forum and participated. I noticed there was a name tag at the forum for Orlinski which was face down. After the forum I asked Suzan DelBene if Orlinski had left early. Suzan said Orlinski had not been in the forum at all. I told her he was outside leaving as I arrived. Suzan repeated he never came into the building. I told her that was interesting.

In my 2010 voters' pamphlet statement I stated:

“Remember Jim Vaughn claimed to be a Democrat before the 2008 Primary then supported Reichert the day after the primary. At gathereings before the primary he tried to get me to support Reichert. So be careful of other candidates who claim to be Democrats or even Independents.”

I noticed in 2010 that Orlinski filed for the 8th District Congressional seat the day AFTER I did. In 2008, also, Orlinski filed for the 8th District Congressional seat AFTER I did. Also, I noticed at the Seattle Times interview of all the 8th District Congressional candidates on Wednesday, July 21, 2010, Orlinski seemed more interested in making negative comments about the Obama Administration than anything else.

I believe Orlinski was waiting outside the Issaquah forum for me to arrive. I believe he put on an act about being done with the forum and leaving to trick me into believing I was too late to participate and desperately tried to discourage me from even going inside and wanted me to just leave instead.

I believe the answer to the Orlinski question is he is not really a Democrat and is a Republican mole pretending to be a Democrat for two primaries in a row.

I believe Orlinski is another Republican and Reichert mole planted in the primaries to dilute Democratic support just like James Vaughn was in the 2008 primary. I believe the Republicans had Orlinski enter the primaries in 2008 and 2010 after me to target me.

I believe the Republicans are so desperate to hold onto this 8th District seat (which they don't deserve) that they had Orlinski take off his shirt and stand shirtless outside Issaquah's candidate forum to try to trick me.

Orlinski has proven I was right to warn voters in my statement to be careful of candidates who claim to be Democrats or even Independents.

In the 2010 Primary for the Congressional 8th District of Washington, Robin Adair ran claiming she "Prefers Independent Party". In the 2010 Primary Voters' Pamphlet under Community Service Adair states, "Jennifer Dunn's Campaigns for the 8th District".

Adair was running as "preferring Independents" instead of saying she preferred Republicans even though she worked for the Republican Dunn's campaigns. Adair even sent me the email below as a "response" to my Auto-Response to an email Adair had sent me and other 8th district candidates.

-----BEGIN EMAIL-----

I'm also a candidate : Re: Auto Response from karnold@votekeitharnold.com
Robin Adair
Tue 7/20/2010 12:43 AM
To: karnold@votekeitharnold.com ;
Cc: Robin Adair ; Virginia Wyman ; Aubin K. Barthold ; aubink@tmo.blackberry.net ;
dear  Keith -- I am one of the other candidates.  Please READ my response to CAIR ... 

I am where your are : so upset with the situation in Washington DC that I'm boot-strapping

myself into a campaign I can hardly afford.   We need get together with other candidates

... form a coalition and work toward so some one of us will be in the "final two". 


I am looking at holding a "press mixer" :  Press and Candidates at THE  RUINS -- each of us will

pay part of  the costs --- and our guests, also.      I am thinking  first or second week of August. 





Take a deep breath and think about it.   We will all see each other this week at the Seattle Times

and the Stranger.   Robin Adair.    

 ( robinadair102@mac.com ).     

On Jul 19, 2010, at 11:05 PM, karnold@votekeitharnold.com wrote:


Thank you for your interest in my candidacy.

Although my campaign will not be able to reply to each contact, each contact will be reviewed.

Please remember to register and vote and remind your family and friends to register and vote.

Also, I hope you will decide to vote for Keith Arnold for U.S. Representative for the 8th Congressional District-Washington.

Thank you again,

Keith Arnold
Candidate for U.S. Representative
8th Congressional District-Washington

To keep costs down, I currently have no flyers and am using my website as my flyer.

-----END EMAIL-----

In Adair's above email she states,
"We need get together with other candidates

... form a coalition and work toward so some one of us will be in the "final two".


I never responded to Adair. But I did notice that her running as something other than preferring Republican could help split the votes for those opposing the Republican incumbent and increase the chance of the Republican incumbent staying in office.

I always doubted Adair was really trying to oppose Dunn's follower Reichert. I always believed Adair was trying to help the Republican incumbent Reichert by trying to split votes opposing a Republican incumbent.

As I stated for Orlinski above, in my 2010 voters' pamphlet statement I stated:

“Remember Jim Vaughn claimed to be a Democrat before the 2008 Primary then supported Reichert the day after the primary. At gathereings before the primary he tried to get me to support Reichert. So be careful of other candidates who claim to be Democrats or even Independents.”

Adair, also, has proven I was right to warn voters in my statement to be careful of candidates who claim to be Democrats or even Independents.

Please remember to register and vote
and ask your family and friends to do the same
(for both the primary and general elections)

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