Democracy provides the best form of government to serve the public. Democracy is actually self service government. It works because under it we all work for and with each other. We all must serve, protect, and communicate with each other. We all must be involved in our own and each others well being. When our public offices are infiltrated by domestic enemies like the current Republican leadership, concerned citizens must get involved and run for public offices themselves if necessary. That is why I am running for Congress.
In 1990 I began writing to my members of Congress while I lived in Illinois. I complained about the judiciary not following the rules and writing their own laws. I complained after I went to the federal district and appellate courts but before I went to the U.S. supreme court. Congress didn't want to get involved with the judiciary even though it's their job to supervise the judiciary. Congress has the Constitutional authority and responsibility to impeach judges for bad behavior because it is their job to supervise the judiciary. Congress told me to continue the judicial process, which meant go to the supreme court.
I went to the supreme court several times after that and each time those court jesters applied their double standards to my cases. On a case by case basis they enforced the law when it gave the results their biases wanted and ignored the law when it didn't. This is what the judiciary, especially the supreme court, has always done throughout history. Allowing a few unelected judges to write double standards and ignore laws written by the people and their elected representatives in our legislatures is an extreme violation of Democracy.
In the Summer of 1993, I started writing to Congress and the President about the out of control judiciary again. I told them the U.S. Constitution does not give the judiciary the authority to be the judicial dictatorship it had become. I told them the judiciary ruling based on their personal biases instead of legislated laws was a coup d'etat and overthrowing of our Democracy. I pointed out the supreme court is just another appellate court and is only interested in its egos. I told them of the parts of the Constitution that allowed them to neutralize and eliminate the supreme court dictatorship. I encouraged them to neutralize the out of control supreme court by writing and passing a Judiciary Act of 1993 and told them they could contact me if they needed my help. No one ever contacted me for help. A judiciary act for 1993 wasn't passed. Therefore, the supreme court dictatorship continued and continues today.
The supreme court stealing our 2000 Presidential Election and making George W. Bush the commander-in-THIEF proved their complete disregard for Democracy, the law, and justice. If they had been neutralized in 1993 or at least before the 2000 election like I requested, our Democracy wouldn't have been so blatantly violated in the 2000 Election.
The real dictators are the greedy and selfish liars who have taken over the Republican leadership. They get whatever offices (whether elected or appointed) they can by promising the public anything and everything without saying how it's going to be paid for. Of course, they never pay for anything and just cause record deficits and debts. Then they put their liars into public appointments and judgeships where they exploit the insufficient Congressinonal supervision of executive officeholders and judges.
This is all because Democracy is not enforced but is instead obstructed by corrupt Republicans. These Republicans and their stooges get a senseless and selfish pleasure out of watching the average law-abiding citizen suffer. I refuse to accept this corruption and that's why I wrote to Congress and the President about the judicial dictatorship in the 1990's. Of course, I didn't waste any time writing to the Bush mob in the stolen White House because they and the Republicans were obviously the problem. The Bush mob even spied on us illegally to identify anyone who would stand up against their lies and corruption like I have. The Republicans are attacking and fighting against law-abiding citizens and we must fight back.
In Congress, I will fight to enforce Democracy and fight against any Republican, their stooges, and anyone else who tries to block and destroy our Democracy.